I’m not the type of person who would take a game too seriously but I am still a competitive person. I love football, but I wouldn’t go to the extreme and take my anger out on someone else. I remember hearing about the baseball game between the Giants and Dodgers and instantly thinking “I bet something is going to turn up tomorrow and it won’t be good.” I would say a few days later I hear about this man who was almost beaten to death from Dodger fans at the game. I didn’t want to believe it, not that I wasn’t surprised a fight broke out but for someone to take it to that level without stopping and realizing what their actions are causing. I would hear little things about this new technology that doctor’s had tried on police officers that had head trauma after a car accident. It’s new and only has been tested on a few people including Bryan Stow, the man from the Giants and Dodgers game. From what they say it’s a shunt that is inserted in the brain and drains fluids from his traumatic brain injury that he suffers from. I have just read, from sfgate.com, that the two men from San Bernardino who assaulted Mr. Stow pleaded not guilty last month. Like I said before I am a competitive person, but under no circumstances will I allow myself to act in such a way. This game was meant for healthy competitiveness and to enjoy your time with your family. Not every situation has to be where you need to prove who can give the harder punch. As of today the family of Bryan Stow sad that he is speaking, asking about his kids and recognizing family members. (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/09/22/BAQ91L84Q2.DTL)
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